Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oklahoma, were the wind comes whipping down the plane...sizes you up, and then starts to seek out any raw exposed skin with its desiccating intimacy. I did a cursory inventory of the yard and in my humble opinion I don't see any overwhelming challenges, just a need for some attention and care to regions of the yard that have pretty much been allowed to go feral for two years. With the amount of brush in the yard I can only imagine that clearing things up will turn into a macabre game of snake hide-n-go seek. I wonder if I will run into the admittedly handsome albeit very LARGE ratsnake/kingsnake I saw curled amid the irises in spring of '08.
What kind of Easter basket is appropriate for the Lampropeltis genus?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Party of the First

With manana being my first planned day cutting into the sod I thought I should outline my plans for this blog over the growing season. I will be recording my experiences with setting up a little suburban semi-organic garden (the first one I have done on my own), as well as touching on some of the growing things that I have living within my home. As I do this I will also be observing and recording my experiences with the community that exists with local food production. For me this documentation will give me a record to fall back on and for whomever may stumble on this blog hopefully my charm, wit, and tendency to be a geek who sends messages online under the influence will provide you with some entertainment.